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作者:开云(中国)Kaiyun  发布时间:2024-10-06 03:24  浏览:
本文摘要:BBC News – It has sent rockets into space, produced millions of the worlds smartphones and built high-speed trains. But until now, one bit of manufacturing had perhaps unexpectedly eluded China: the ballpoint pen.BBC新闻 – 它把火箭送到太空,生产出有了世界上成千上百万部智能手机,用上了高铁。

BBC News – It has sent rockets into space, produced millions of the worlds smartphones and built high-speed trains. But until now, one bit of manufacturing had perhaps unexpectedly eluded China: the ballpoint pen.BBC新闻 – 它把火箭送到太空,生产出有了世界上成千上百万部智能手机,用上了高铁。但到目前为止,制造业一个不起眼的部分也许出乎意料地难倒了中国:圆珠笔。A year ago Premier Li Keqiang went on national television and bemoaned the failure of his country to produce a good quality version of this seemingly-simple implement. Locally-made versions felt rough compared to those from Germany, Switzerland and Japan, Mr Li complained.一年前,李克强总理在国家电视台公开发表讲话,感慨中国无法生产出有高质量的这种看起来非常简单的用具。

国产圆珠笔与德国、瑞士和日本产圆珠笔比起变得“坚硬”,李克强责怪说道。The problem was not the body of the pen, but the tip - the tiny ball that dispenses ink as you write. It might be something we take for granted, but making them requires high-precision machinery and very hard, ultra-thin steel plates.问题不出笔身,而在笔尖 – 书写时出有墨水的细小圆珠。

这有可能是我们不当回事的东西,但生产圆珠必须高精度机械设备和硬度十分低的超强薄钢板。Without that ability, Chinas 3,000 penmakers have had to import this crucial component from abroad, costing the industry a reported 120m yuan ($17.3m) a year.没那个能力的话,中国3千家圆珠笔制造商被迫从国外进口这种关键部件,据报导每年花费该行业1.2亿元(合1730万美元)。But according to Peoples Daily, the state-owned Taiyuan Iron and Steel Co thinks it has cracked the problem, after five years of research. The first batch of 2.3-millimetre ballpoint pen tips has recently rolled off its production lines, the paper says.但根据《人民日报》,国营太原钢铁公司经过5年研究早已攻下了这个难题。

第一批2.3毫米的圆珠笔钝最近早已下了生产线,该报说道。And once lab tests are completed, its expected China could phase out pen tip imports completely within two years.而一旦已完成实验室测试,中国未来将会在两年内逐步完全完结圆珠笔钝进口。


