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‘开云(中国)Kaiyun’不睬苹果谷歌 丰田选用福特车载智能技术

作者:开云(中国)Kaiyun  发布时间:2024-10-12 16:35  浏览:
本文摘要:Toyota has chosen to use a technology originally developed by rival Ford to connect smartphone apps to its cars’ dashboards, snubbing Apple’s CarPlay and Google’s Android Auto in the latest sign of tension between the automotive industry and Silicon Valley.丰田(Toyota)自由选择用于一种最初由输掉福特(Ford)研发的技术,将智能手机应用于与其汽车的仪表盘连接,而没使用苹果(Apple)的CarPlay和谷歌(Google)的Android Auto。

Toyota has chosen to use a technology originally developed by rival Ford to connect smartphone apps to its cars’ dashboards, snubbing Apple’s CarPlay and Google’s Android Auto in the latest sign of tension between the automotive industry and Silicon Valley.丰田(Toyota)自由选择用于一种最初由输掉福特(Ford)研发的技术,将智能手机应用于与其汽车的仪表盘连接,而没使用苹果(Apple)的CarPlay和谷歌(Google)的Android Auto。这是凸显汽车业和硅谷之间关系紧张的近期迹象。

In a related announcement on the eve of the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Ford said it would offer both CarPlay and Android Auto as standard in its 2017 models while maintaining its own AppLink software.在一年一度的拉斯维加斯消费电子展(Consumer Electronics Show)揭幕前夕发布的一份涉及声明中,福特回应将在其2017款车型中获取CarPlay和Android Auto作为标准配置,同时保有其AppLink软件。So-called infotainment systems that allow music or navigation apps from a smartphone to be displayed on the dashboard have become the site for an early turf war between traditional carmakers and Silicon Valley groups.能让智能手机的音乐或导航系统应用于表明在仪表盘上的所谓信息娱乐系统,已沦为传统汽车制造商和硅谷集团之间早期地盘战的众多战场。

Car companies have been reluctant to hand over control of the in-car experience to software makers such as Apple and Google for fear of losing a key point of competitive differentiation.由于担忧在竞争差异化上丧失关键的一分,汽车企业一直不愿将车内体验的控制权让给转交苹果和谷歌等软件提供商。However, Ford’s adoption of CarPlay and Android Auto leaves Toyota as the main holdout against Apple and Google’s encroachment.然而,福特对CarPlay和Android Auto的采纳,令其丰田沦为对付苹果和谷歌侵略的主要抵抗者。The two smartphone platform leaders have been building simpler ways to connect their devices to cars. CarPlay and Android Auto both provide features such as voice control, driving directions and music in a way that their developers say is safer and easier to use than the interfaces created by carmakers.这两家智能手机平台的领导者仍然在打造出将其设备与汽车连接的更加非常简单方式。

CarPlay和Android Auto都获取语音掌控、行车导航系统和音乐等功能,开发人员回应这些功能比汽车制造商获取的界面更加安全性和更容易用于。Ford is hedging its bets after releasing its rival technology, SmartDeviceLink , as open-source software three years ago. Toyota is the first carmaker to adopt SDL, while PSA Peugeot Citro渀, Honda, Subaru and Mazda say they are “investigating” whether to adopt the standard.福特正在两边同时押注。

此前,该公司曾在三年前公布竞争的技术、对外开放源代码软件SmartDeviceLink(SDL)。丰田是使用SDL技术的首家汽车制造商,而标致雪铁龙(PSA Peugeot Citro渀)、本田(Honda)、斯巴鲁(Subaru)和马自达(Mazda)则回应正在“调查”否使用这一技术标准。

Ford said that continuing to offer AppLink, its incarnation of SDL, at the same time as CarPlay and Android Auto would provide choice to customers while maintaining flexibility and opportunities for differentiation for the company, especially in China, where Google services are blocked.福特回应,在获取CarPlay和Android Auto的同时之后获取其SDL技术的派生版AppLink,会在为客户获取自由选择的同时,保有该公司的灵活性和差异化机遇——特别是在是在谷歌服务被屏蔽的中国。Toyota said that while it continued to evaluate app connectivity services, it had “no specific plan” to build Apple or Google’s software into its vehicles.丰田回应,尽管该公司在之后评估应用于相连服务,但该公司“没明确计划”将苹果或谷歌软件构建到自己的车型中。


